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A Breakthrough Stem Cell Treatment In Arizona

Dr. David Greene is a former orthopedic surgeon based in Arizona and has been an influential figure in the studies and investigation of stem cell therapy for the past 17 years. The clinical experience in treating arthritis and the investigative approach towards revolutionary alternative helps millions of people who have arthritis and don't want to settle on surgical treatments. Stem cell research and investigative studies are reaching their peak as science and medical advancements are exploring the field to be an effective treatment option in the future. Over the past decades, researchers have developed several medications and findings that claim to treat psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis. This blog will guide you through several queries arthritis patients might encounter in their day-to-day lives. So let’s explore what the first sign and symptoms are. When do you need to visit a Doctor? Does stem cell therapy work for hand arthritis? 

Here Is All You Need To Know About Hand And Wrist Arthritis. 

The Joint is the end of the two bones where they meet each other. Cartilage is the smooth and slippery surface between the two bones in the joint area, making the bones and joints move smoothly without stress. However, due to wear and tear and several conditions, the joints become stiffer, making it difficult to move them smoothly against each other without pain. In addition, during several damage and repair cycles of the Joint, joint shape and structure are objected to change due to cartilage breakdown, which leads the surfaces of the joints to become thin and rough at the edge. 

The symptoms may include pain, swelling, stiffness, and deformity, depending on the severity of the condition. Arthritis of the Hand and wrist attack the base of the thumb, around the wrist, knuckles, middle joints of the fingers, and the top joints. 

Let's Fathom The Causes Behind Osteoarthritis.  

Here is a question for the feed: Who is more exposed and is more prone to arthritis? 

Osteoarthritis occurs mainly in being above the age of 50. Women, obese individuals with genetic history, and people aged 35 to 50 are the most prone or likely to develop arthritis.  

Arthritis in the Hand and wrist are easily diagnosed with the help of a medical professional using X-rays. An X-ray diagnosis is sufficient to show the formation of spurs around the joints and loss of bone cartilage in particular regions. 

What Are The Treatment Options Available In Arizona? 

Treatment options depend on the condition and severity of the disease and the associated medical conditions that affect the healing process. The factors that affect the treatment options are the type of arthritis, age, how many joints are affected, activity level, and other existing medical conditions. 

Splinting braces and medications such as non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory, corticosteroids, disease-modifying, immunosuppressive drugs, and biologic agents are used variably with medical supervision to treat arthritis. Other management strategies to alleviate the pain and associated conditions include exercise, hot and cold packs, healthy eating, weight loss, smoking cessation, and rest. Hand surgery is one of the alternatives people opt for when the condition exceeds the elevated levels. When non-surgical options and remedies are no longer a relief and worn away in treating arthritis patients, surgery becomes an end alternative. Three main types of joint surgery include Joint fusion (arthrodesis), joint replacement ( Arthroplasty), and tender faster.  

Whereas hand surgery to treat Hand and wrist arthritis is not always the best option, and it may create problems with lifelong limitations. For instance, you may suffer a lack of improvement in mobility and the need for replacement in case of implants, breaks, and worn-out implants that concludes in a failed surgery. 

Stem Cell Treatment For Hand & Wrist Arthritis | Can Stem Cell Therapy Treat Hand Arthritis? 

Stem cell therapy uses cells from one's body, known as stem, which have therapeutic, self-healing properties and can differentiate into specialized cell types. Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical and surgical approach still needs to be more helpful to 20-40 % of arthritis patients. Therefore it is necessary to traverse the stem cell therapy options that are evading the medical research history like never before. 


Stem cell therapy is no doubt a minimally invasive breakthrough procedure for hands. The National Institute of Health proclaims a promising alternative to surgery by replacing it with natural, effective, and non-invasive therapy- stem cell therapy. Dr. David Greene is an expert figure in not only orthopedic surgery but regenerative medicines that harbors to provide an innovative, non-pharmaceutical approach to dispense the thousands of patients suffering from chronic arthritis pain. In addition, surgery leverages the possibility of the failure of bones to grow together or adequately align in the case of fusion surgery. Therefore, a dedicated figure like Dr. David Greene ignites a ray of hope for millions through the revolutionary approach providing a glimmer of hope to millions throughout Arizona and other parts of the world. 


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