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Can Stem Cell Therapy Help with Your Orthopedic Problem?| Dr. David Greene Arizona

Orthopedic problems are pretty common but can be incredibly frustrating to deal with! It's easy to think that you'll just work through the pain, but that attitude often leads to more pain down the road and even more significant problems. If you have an orthopedic problem you're having trouble treating, consider trying stem cell therapy! Here are some facts about stem cell therapy to help you know “how it could help your orthopedic problem.”

Know About Stem Cells

Stem cells are a type of blank cell that can develop into many different cell types and grow rapidly, which means they're still being studied to figure out how they might affect certain health conditions. One of the most popular treatments involving stem cells is regenerative medicine, where stem cells are introduced to tissue that has been damaged or has died. 

The hope is that the stem cells will generate new cells in the affected area, making them stronger and more functional. Suppose you have an orthopedic problem like osteoarthritis. In that case, Dr. David Greene Arizona, may suggest a treatment plan involving various regenerative therapies. He had phenomenal success in treating its patients but notes that more research is important before opting for stem cell treatments - especially since they can be very expensive.

What Conditions Can be Treated with Stem Cells, and Who Should Consider It?

Stem cells are harvested from a person's bone marrow, fat, or other tissues. They're also collected from umbilical cords after birth. The process usually involves breaking down the cells and separating them into types. Later injecting them back into the patient to help rebuild specific kinds of tissue. Below you can see a few orthopedic conditions for which Stem cell therapy is effective:

Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee osteoarthritis is a condition that affects up to 25% of people older than age 65, but this doesn't mean you have to submit yourself to suffering. If you want relief from the pain and discomfort associated with this disorder, there's an effective option: stem cell therapy. 

Patients may be eligible for these treatments if they suffer from the disease's degenerative aspects or any previous surgery. The treatment involves harvesting a patient's cells (such as fat) and isolating the stem cells. These cells are then injected into joints to promote healing, decrease inflammation, and improve mobility and joint function.

Treatment for ACL Tear

If you have experienced an ACL tear, the pain can be unbearable. It is essential to find a form of treatment that helps relieve this pain so you can move on with your life. While traditional treatments for torn ligaments are often successful in healing the injury, they are not always successful in alleviating the chronic pain caused by arthritis. 

To address these symptoms, some people turn to stem cell therapy as a solution. Using stem cells from one's own body or donated umbilical cord blood or bone marrow can stimulate healing and protect against future wear and tear on joints such as those found in our knees and ankles.

Treatment for Back Pain

Backed pain can be caused by a number of different sources, from arthritis to degenerative disc disease. Chronic, untreated back pain can lead to long-term consequences like poor posture and low quality of life. 

One popular therapy used for years to treat orthopedic problems is stem cell therapy. In this treatment, doctors extract a patient's blood cells, called hematopoietic stem cells, and inject them into an area they're needed. These cells then trigger your body to heal itself, and what makes this type of therapy so great is that "it doesn't just alleviate pain - it also treats the underlying cause of your condition!" 

If you suffer from chronic back pain, don't hesitate to ask your doctor about this form of therapy!

Where Can You Get Stem Cell Therapy, and What Does it Cost?

With time more people realize the benefits of stem cell therapy. Research has shown that treatments can help increase the range of motion and decrease pain from an orthopedic problem. Dr. David Greene Orthopedic Surgeon offers a variety of treatments and services to take care of any orthopedic needs you may have. 

He helps patients to find relief by providing them with regenerative therapy treatment that provides them relief from orthopedic pain and other symptoms. With his expertise in these areas, it's no wonder he's one of the known experts in this field.


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