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Stem Cell Treatment for Ankylosing Spondylitis | Dr. David Greene Arizona

You have choices for ankylosing spondylitis treatment (AS).

A number of pharmacological therapies can reduce inflammation and its symptoms, such as pain and stiffness. But not everyone experiences success with these drugs. Additionally, some people may experience unpleasant or negative side effects from them.

Researchers like Dr. David Greene Arizona hope to cure AS one day. However, to treat this persistent inflammatory illness till then, experts are looking into several ideas. Find out more information on stem cell therapy for ankylosing spondylitis.

What are stem cells and stem cell therapy? 

All of the blood cells in your body start as immature stem cells. These specialized cells are capable of self-replication. They also generate more cells that have essential roles in maintaining our survival, including repairing damaged tissues or organs.

A therapist injects healthy stem cells into your bloodstream during a stem cell procedure. The goal is to assist your body in recovering from a virus or other illness. There are two types of transplants: autologous (coming from you) and non-autologous (allogeneic).

The three main sources of stem cell transplantation are as follows:

  • Bone marrow 
  • Bloodstream (peripheral blood) 
  • Umbilical cord blood

Researchers claim that only a small number of disorders are currently approved for the transplantation of hematopoietic (blood-forming) stem cells. Typically, these are diseases or disorders of the blood or immune systems, such as lymphoma, leukemia, multiple myeloma, and neuroblastoma.

Can Stem Cell Therapy Treat Ankylosing Spondylitis? 

Using stem cells in therapy can assist in physical recovery and potentially treat many illnesses. But AS treatment has not yet received approval. The same holds for arthritis, heart disease, aging, chronic pain, and heart failure.

Avoid any "clinics" that promote questionable stem cell therapy as a cure or treatment for AS. Unregulated products might be hazardous. But there's still a chance that stem cell therapy will someday become a reliable, accepted treatment. Various stem cell therapies for AS are being researched by researchers like Dr. David Greene Orthopedic Surgeon, including:

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). These stem cells serve in the repair of muscle, fat, bone, and cartilage. In addition, they control the immune system and particular forms of inflammation as well.

There is a possibility that AS patients' MSCs are flawed. However, scientists think that the immunological imbalance that results in persistent inflammation and other symptoms of the disease may be able to be resolved using stem cells from healthy donors.

Is stem cell therapy safe? 

Each medical procedure has benefits and drawbacks. However, more studies must be performed on stem cell therapy before doctors may give it to the general public.

Clinical research on stem cell therapy by experts such as Dr. David Greene Arizona has shown that MSC therapy for AS is secure and has no significant detrimental effects. However, more study is necessary to understand how stem cell therapy for AS will affect sizable populations.

Stem cell therapy does not necessarily help everyone. But thus far, it doesn't seem to make the stiffness and discomfort that come with AS any worse. The infusion procedure in this group is more likely to cause common adverse effects. The most prevalent ones include:

  • Mild fever after the injection 
  • Suffering from syringe infections

Cancer patients getting stem cell therapy may also undergo radiation or chemotherapy. These could, however, have extra negative effects. Consequently, there is a higher chance of bleeding and infection. Find out if you need to worry before talking to your doctor.


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