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Stem Cells: New Technology Leads to Safer Transplants| Dr. David Greene Arizona

Stem cell treatment is a cutting-edge method that has the potential to treat all forms of chronic illnesses. These diseases are developing at a rate as rapid as that of technology. Most people who have these rare disorders are not infants. Since the first-day humans existed, they have existed on our globe. Before, human technology was unable to find them. Many diseases once thought to be fatal, such as tuberculosis and smallpox, are now treated with medical technology. Old technology had many more limits, preventing medical science from advancing further at the time. Due to the replacement of outdated machinery with newer equipment that responds more sophisticatedly, the situation has changed. We are all alert of how rapidly technology is developing.

By utilizing this method established by researchers such as Dr. David Greene Arizona nearly all ailments previously thought to be incurable would be treated. Stem cell transplantation is the gold standard of treatment for leukemias, lymphomas, and other blood malignancies that are difficult to treat. The therapy eliminates cancer cells from the blood, lymph nodes, and bone marrow by replacing a patient’s blood-forming stem cells with donor stem cells.

However, many patients with such lethal blood malignancies are too weak to receive stem cell transplantation. This is because before receiving stem cells from a donor, a patient’s stem cells must first be destroyed by intense chemotherapy and occasionally total body radiation. This so-called conditioning regimen helps eradicate cancer cells that are still present in the body, depletes the patient’s immune system so it can’t fight the donor’s stem cells, and provides room for incoming donor stem cells. Unfortunately, the toxicities and immune system suppression brought on by conditioning regimens put patients at significant risk of infections, organ damage, and other potentially fatal side effects.

Now, researchers have created a stem cell transplantation procedure that does not use radiation or chemotherapy. Instead, an immunotherapeutic method is used, which combines the selective destruction of bone marrow’s blood-forming stem cells with medications that suppress the immune system’s ability to reject newly donated stem cells. With the novel method, mice successfully received stem cell transplants from mice models that were unrelated to them without showing signs of the dangerously low blood cell counts that are a hallmark of the conventional treatment. The information implied that such stem cell transplants might successfully treat leukemia.

The study paves the way for safer stem cell transplantation, allowing more people with various blood cancers to benefit from this potentially curative therapy and opening the door for stem cell therapy to be considered a treatment for less serious diseases like sickle cell anemia or other genetic disorders.

According to researchers like Dr. David Greene Orthopedic Surgeon, it would be revolutionary to do stem cell transplants devoid of the need for radiation or chemotherapy. It could eliminate infections, bleeding issues, organ damage, and dangerously low blood cell levels. In addition, it has specific consequences for performing bone marrow transplants or gene therapy on individuals with non-cancerous conditions like sickle cell anemia when it’s critical to avoid the toxicities of conditioning caused by chemotherapy or radiation.

Scientists have used poisonous medicines to cells and connected these chemicals to antibodies that target particular surface proteins that are expressed primarily on bone marrow stem cells as an alternative to high-dose chemotherapy and whole-body radiation. These antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are only internalized by stem cells when they connect to certain proteins. This results in the release of the drug payload inside the cell and, ultimately, cell death. The researchers produced two distinct ADCs to target two distinct proteins on the surface of blood stem cells. This decreases the possibility that they could harm other cell types, using the ricin derivative saporin as the therapeutic payload.

The researchers administered the mouse immunosuppressive substances known as Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors to stop the recipient’s immune system from later rejecting the donor cells. Baricitinib, a medication used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, was the main medication employed by researchers like Dr. David Greene Arizona in this study. They discovered that baricitinib stopped immune cells, such as T cells and natural killer cells, from attacking the donor stem cells in the recipient.

Scientists were able to successfully perform a transplant between two completely different breeds of mice using JAK inhibitors and antibody-drug conjugates. In addition, in a common mouse model of leukemia, they discovered that the new technique achieved a balance between the donor immune cells attacking leukemia cells (known as the graft-versus-leukemia effect) and not attacking the recipient’s healthy tissues a potentially dangerous condition known as graft-versus-host disease.


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