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Stem Cell Therapy is More Safe Now | Dr. David Greene Arizona

It has become clear that when a new treatment comes into the picture and people start accepting that it's safe to use, the number one question one might ask is, is it safe to use? Asking this question is essential because we are talking about the lives of many people. Dr. David Greene Arizona is working on regenerative medicines and therapies to make them safer and more cost-effective for their patient. He has founded an organization where he and his team research these therapies and treat people with chronic diseases. Thousand of people are being treated with this therapy, and it’s getting people a prime choice for the other illness. 

This is not the first time stem cell therapy has cured a hazardous and untreatable disease. The treatment showed some promising and potential cures for diseases like COVID, type 1 diabetes, HIV, immune disorders, and many other blood-related disorders. Stem cell therapies are safer than the different treatments available because it is an almost painless process; the substance injected into you comes from your cells. This therapy treats people suffering from diseases caused by viruses and also helps heal internal and external wounds more rapidly. 

One of those untreatable diseases is ALS which stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, and there is still no cure for this. ALS comes in a classification of neurodegenerative disease, which causes progressive loss of motor neurons. These neurons are responsible for controlling voluntary muscles. This condition is a widespread type of motor neuron disease and can last for many years or, in some cases, a lifetime. Some treatments could reduce the symptoms, but a solid solution or treatment is still not discovered. ALS is caused by the degeneration and death of motor neurons and affects millions of people every year. 

The importance of mesenchymal stem cells is not new for us because they have already been used for many incurable diseases. These stem cells are responsible for making and repairing tissues of the whole skeleton system. MSCs make organs tissues like cartilage, fat in the bone marrow, and bone. Many studies have suggested that these stem cells can treat many pathologies, neurological disorders, cartilage and bone diseases, diabetes, and many more. Unfortunately, more than half of those with ALS disorder live at least three or more years after diagnosis with it. 

How could MSCs help patients with severe conditions of ALS? Research done by a team of scientists claimed that patients with neurodegenerative diseases received safe and well-tolerated injections of reprogrammed cells into the spinal canal following a single treatment course. Only MSCs were used for treating. They also have anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties, are gaining scientists' attention, and are considered a potential approach for many neurodegenerative conditions like ALS. Many other researchers and scientists like David Greene Orthopedic Surgeon, are developing and finding the possibilities of stem cell therapies. The R3 Stem cell is the organization that he founded, and it’s a revolutionary place where the future of medical science is changing with stem cell therapies. 

When there is a transplant of MSCs in a patient, the surgeons collect it. Then they multiply in the lab by many procedures and then inject back to the patient via a spinal canal, bloodstream, or muscle tissue. When the modified MSCs were injected into the patients who have ALS, among 19 patients who got one treatment, 13 of them experienced an overall improvement in their condition. Also, they saw a reduction in ALS progression with a rate of more than 25%. These results showed another potential of these stem cells and clinically meaningful change. 

Three of the patients exhibited a reduction of less than 25% for the mean rate of progression, another patient's improvement was less than 25%, and the fifth patient experienced an improvement of less than 25%. Contrastingly, in some patients, this therapy with MSCs did more than reduce the rate of progression of the disease. After the first treatment, while seven patients experienced a one to four-point improvement in their ALSFRS-R scores, five retained the scores after treatment.

Accepting it or not, stem cell therapy has changed the perspective of many big research centers, and scientists view it. People are now preferring these therapies, not the traditional painful surgeries. Dr. David Greene Arizona and his organization are doing their best to improve the regenerative therapies for ordinary people looking for a cure for untreatable conditions. We can hope for its future and accept it as much as possible because the world is changing.


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