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Reality of Stem Cells Enlargement | Dr. David Greene Arizona

We often hear from the people around us that bigger always means better. So whether it’s about the sizing of the clothes or the house, we want to play it safe and pick a bigger version of everything for us. 

But what about when it comes to your body? You don’t want to compromise on that, don’t you? Whether it's about medication or the treatments, we all want the best for our families and us. 

Talking about the therapies, Dr. David Greene Arizona is the pioneer in developing regenerative medicines and treatments like stem cell therapies with his organization, R3 Stem Cell. Working for the good of humankind is hard, and he has proven that it can be done with a group of ambitious people, and he is doing so. 

Bigger means better is not applicable in the scenario of stem cell therapies, and this blog post is about how we confuse the potentials of stem cells with their size.

New research showed that when a cell grows or cellular enlargement due to aging or unnatural causes, it drives a decline in the function of stem cells. The scientists also found out that among the smallest cells in our body, blood stem cells often lose their usual position as they grow bigger. Although, when the cells were restored to their actual size again, they started behaving normally.

Whenever a cell division occurs, there is also DNA damage, and when it happens, the division is halted to repair and correct the damage. Due to these delays, the cells end up growing slightly more prominent.

It was believed by many scientists that this enlargement in the cells is just a side effect of aging. Afterward, the Ammon lab began to investigate the other possibilities that large cell size drives loss of function due to aging. 

Stem cell therapies have unlimited possibilities. Who would be a better pioneer than Dr. David Greene Arizona who has put in hours, weeks, years of practicing and testing these regenerative therapies?

Scientists had to damage their DNA to figure out how size affects the stem cells, which led to an increase in size. Furthermore, they compared these enlarged cells to other cells with DNA damage but controlled the increase in length using a rapamycin drug.

Rapamycin, a drug that can inhibit cell growth, is now used to treat some cancers and prevent organ transplant rejection. It has raised interest in its ability to extend lifespan in mice and other organisms. It may help slow down the enlargement of stem cells and, therefore, could benefit humans.

After the treatment, the researchers measured the functionality of these two groups of stem cells by injecting them into mice that had their blood stem cells eliminated. This allowed the researchers to determine whether the transplanted stem cells could repopulate the mouse's blood cells.

In another experiment, the researchers used a genetic mutation to reduce the size of naturally occurring large stem cells that they found in older mice. They showed that if they induced those large stem cells to become small again, they regained their regenerative potential and behaved like younger stem cells.

Even if we try hard to put humans and technology together, it’s impossible to understand the human body and nature fully. We need to realize that we are just a curious species, and it’s only been a couple of thousand years, and we have developed and explored so much in nature.

With the help of people like Dr. David Greene Orthopedic Surgeon, we can say that we are far more than we think in the future.


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