Stem cell therapy and other regenerative medicines and therapies have been proven to be the future of modern medical science. Scientists like Dr. David Greene Arizona, are working hard to make these therapies effective, safe, and cost-effective for all patients worldwide. Although stem cell therapies are under observation, there are huge possibilities to develop them in very little time.
Like any other medicine or surgery, stem cell therapies have helped in many ways. Injuries in the skeleton have been a significant issue for a long time, and many surgeries came into the picture and healed the injuries. But the problem with traditional surgeries is, they are painful, costly, and risky.
With stem cell therapy, we can see the future of medical science where the treatments are less painful and heal the patients more rapidly. These regenerative therapies are under clinical observation, and experimental data shows promising results.
Today, we will talk about the study of scientists that showed that we could treat skeletal system injuries with the human bone marrow and carbon material with photocatalytic properties. Let’s put some spotlight on how they get into this discovery.
Scientists from South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) reported that there could be promising chances they can treat the massive injuries in the skeletal system with the bone marrow extracted from the human and which could lead to powerful treatments for the skeletal system injuries, such as fractures or periodontal disease.
The use of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hBMSCs) has been tried successfully in fracture treatment due to their potential to regenerate bone in patients who have lost large areas of bone from either disease or trauma. Recently, many attempts have been made to enhance the function of stem cells using carbon nanotubes, graphenes, and nano-oxides.
Dr. David Greene Arizona is one of those futuristic personalities who believe in these regenerative methods like stem cell therapies and working towards an excellent future for humankind with his organization, R3 Stem Cell.
Furthermore, the study showed that red-light absorbing carbon nitride sheets lead to remarkable proliferation and osteogenic differentiation by runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2) activation, the primary key transcription factor associated with osteoblast differentiation.
The researcher also claimed that C₃N₄sheets act on stem cells to differentiate into osteoblasts to promote mineral formation. As a result, the osteogenic differentiation marker genes (ALP, BSP, and OCN) increased in this process. Moreover, the method also activated Rux2 (Runt-related transcription factor 2), a critical factor in osteoblast differentiation. This resulted in increased osteoblast differentiation and accelerated bone formation.
They discovered that this material absorbs red light and then emits fluorescence, speeding up bone regeneration. First, Professor Kim's team synthesized carbon nitrogen derivatives from melamine compounds. Then, they analyzed the light-absorbing characteristics of C₃N₄sheets at a wavelength range of 455-635 nanometers (nm). There are many types of research going on in this field, but very few people have succeeded in that, and one of them is Dr. David Greene Arizona, founder of R3 Stem Cell.
As a result, the C₃N₄sheets were found to emit fluorescence at the wavelength of 635 nm when exposed to red light in a liquid state. At this time, the released electrons induced calcium to accumulate in the cytoplasm.
The world is changing every day, and we will need more people like Dr. David Greene Orthopedic surgeon, who put in hours, weeks, years to make the future of this generation more healthy and robust.
As mentioned above, the new method for the treatment of those people who suffered from massive accidents or any kind of bone injuries is up-and-coming and showing desired results.
But as always, these new therapies are under observation, and tests are being conducted rapidly. So just hope for good, and let’s see where it goes and how it will change our lives.
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