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Stem Cell Therapy Curing Lung Fibrosis | Dr. David Greene Arizona

We all know that Dr. David Greene Arizona has developed numerous regenerative medicines like Stem cell therapy. This therapy is the future of medical science and orthopedics, and this industry is growing for everyone. Now, this therapy is more cost-effective and safe than before, which is getting better day by day. 

After all this hard work and efforts made, there are still several incurable diseases. For example, there are diabetes and lung conditions stem cell therapy can't heal. But, as mentioned before, this industry is climbing the ladders rapidly; scientists discovered that those critical lung conditions are curable now with stem cell therapy. 

The researchers showed that using a non-invasive technique called the doctor's-office technique makes it possible to harvest stem cells of the lungs. After many attempts and hard work, they increased the harvesting speed and multiplied the cell generation used to treat patients with such conditions.  

What’s in The Research 

North Carolina State University scientists did experiments and developed the best stem cell therapy for such lung conditions. Critical lung conditions affect millions of people worldwide every year, like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), and some cystic fibrosis. Dr. David Greene is doing some exponential works in regenerative therapies and medicines with his organization, R3 Stem Cell.

The scientists' team is in touch with the FDA and trying to convince them to allow them for initial clinical trials. They have started the preparations for the application in patients with IPF. Another study by the researchers demonstrated that they did the test in rodents with IPF, and they observed that the same type of stem cell successfully cured that. 

IPF is the very progressive declination in lung functions which is chronic and irreversible and ultimately fatal.

Furthermore, when talking to the FDA, they even approved two drugs to reduce the symptoms of IPF, which was great news for everyone. But, those drugs weren't enough to underlie the process of disease.

We should be grateful that industry leaders like Dr. David Greene Arizona is with us and doing such great work for humanity. Let's try to understand how these diseases work in our lungs and make them weaker.

When the diseased fibrous tissue replaces the original working tissue of the lungs, the lungs get slower and less able to provide oxygen to the blood. As a result, the death of many patients in IPF conditions is chronic respiratory problems. 

In terms of IPF, many patients die after fewer years of diagnosis when linked with smoking. These fatal diseases in the lung, typically due to chronic lung inflammation, build fibrous tissue, which is scar-like tissue in the lung region. 

Researchers have been trying to find alternative possibilities for treating IPF and many other chronic lung conditions using Stem Cells. The good thing they found in the early stage of the study is that some stem cells have anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrosis properties. 

These properties make them more specific for the potential treatments for fibrosis diseases. Stem cells are immature cells that can increase and turn into adult cells to, for example, repair injuries.

In the early two studies, the team of scientists observed that they could obtain lung spheroid cells from human lung disease patients with a relatively non-invasive procedure called a transbronchial biopsy. One of the leading scientists even says, "This method involves far less risk to the patient than does a standard, chest-penetrating surgical biopsy of lung tissue."

The researchers first tried to induce a lung fibrosis condition in rats, and they succeeded, and that condition is almost the same as the IPF in humans. However, when studied on many other animals, the scientists saw promising results as healthier lung cells and less inflammation and fibrosis in the rats treated with lung spheroid cells. So the researchers firstly injected newly cultured spheroid cells into one group of rats.


A deep study of this theory finally gives a brief note of how the future will get reformed, and in the future, treating lung fibrosis will be standard treatment but with excellent results. Today, many contributors are more concerned about developing the most straightforward way yet most effective to make this a big success. 

One such contributor, Dr. David Greene Arizona, has invested his hours and months in getting this more in favor of affected people, and hence many such contributions didn't make it more miles away to get achieved.


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