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Stem Cells Growth With Lasers | Dr. David Greene Arizona

The self-multiplying abilities of stem cells aren’t new to anyone. That’s how they change into other cells to heal the body from diseases or injuries. These stem cells are building blocks of our body and act like raw materials for any building. The main reason why stem cells are so essential for us is their self-dividing and regeneration properties. Whenever we have an injury or chronic disease, they repair the damage by replacing those damaged cells in the region. Regarding stem cell therapy or transplants, we may mention Dr. David Greene Arizona, who brought a revolution with his organization, R3 Stem Cell. They provide the best regenerative medicines and therapies for patients who have chronic and uncured diseases. 

After years of research, scientists like Dr. David Greene Arizona experimented on these stem cells and found encouraging results. There are a lot of diseases that can be cured by stem cell therapies, like repairing heart tissues after a heart attack, broken joints, bones, etc. But for doing so, our body will need more stem cells, which was hard to do. 

Recently, researchers found a way to make stem cells grow faster with different types of lasers. With this method, stem cells now can specialize into other cells more rapidly than ever. So let’s have a deep dive into this, put some light on this topic, and explore its future. 

What’s new in this discovery

Scientists just discovered a method to use the stem cells derived from the body fat stored in adults. Researchers use a tool called photobiomodulation (PBM), and in that, stem cells were kept under a specific wavelength of light or laser. Doing so, they noticed some responses from the stem cells. They also found that exposing stem cells to light resulted in the increased number of mitochondria, the cell’s powerhouse. We learned from this discovery that stem cells are highly upgradable, and these cells are prepared to divide. But why only lasers, not any other light?

The answer is if we take any kind of light, for instance, let’s take LED bulbs or tube lights, they emit a wide range of wavelengths of light. But, on the other hand, in the case of lasers, they only emit one specific wavelength of light. So, this experiment took place because the cells in our body respond to various wavelengths of lights differently, so the stem cells did. In the section below, we will go through the procedure scientists did to find this method.  

How did they do that?

When differentiation occurs in stem cells and divides into specialized cells, new cells can now be used for stem cell therapies and treatment. That shows the scope of discoveries and researches in the field. Dr. David Greene Arizona is working towards such methods for the bright future of modern medical sciences. 

Now, have a look at what researchers did in the experiment. As we know, stem cells can be derived from the fat in the human body. So, they took the stem cells from the fat and exposed them to a near-infrared laser and what happened was unexpected. Stem cells replicated themselves more rapidly than usual. After that, they were kept under the green laser, and the cells turned into other specialized kinds of cells.

This method is faster and reliable than any previous method. After 7 consecutive days of exposure to near-infrared laser radiation, those stem cells had replicated 55% more than the natural process. Also, 50% more oxygen species were found after the 7 days. 

Despite the results being auspicious from the experiment, this method is under consideration because safety is the most important. It’s because someone’s life is way more important than anything and the main focus is on that only. Making this method cost-effective, reliable, and safe would be challenging, but it needs to be done. 

Dr. David Greene Arizona is working with his company, R3 Stem Cell to make stem cell treatments reliable and safe for patients. The human body is full of mysteries that must be unfolded as soon as possible, and our scientists prove themselves every day by finding such methods. As a result, we can expect more advanced discoveries and methods in modern medical science to build a great future for the future generation. 


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