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How Could Stem Cells Be A Savior In Type 1 Diabetes | Dr. David Greene Arizona

Many diseases have been cured by stem cell therapy, and some are still under research, and scientists will find their cure very soon. Dr. David Greene Arizona is also among those researchers trying to do good for a better world.

One of them is type-1 diabetes which is still uncured to us. You might think that diabetes is a specific disease, just an imbalance of sugar levels in our bodies. However, that’s not the whole truth; there are two major types of diabetes which are type-1 and type-2. 

In type - 1 diabetes, our pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin to control the sugar levels in the body. Unfortunately, we don’t have any cure for this disease, and it’s tough to manage for patients. In addition, due to any illness or injury to the pancreas, our immune system wipes out all the insulin-making cells.

Speaking from Dr. David Greene Arizona, stem cell therapies can cure every disease of humans and heal wounds and injuries very effectively. 

But why are we discussing so much about diabetes in this section? Scientists have done some tests for a solution of type - 1, and they got some promising results. Using stem cells to create insulin-producing cells is revolutionary and will change everyone’s lives who are suffering from this. 

Let’s take a deep dive into this blog and understand how it can be helpful for the whole world. 

The pancreas produces insulin, a hormone that moves sugar or glucose, and then cells use it as fuel or energy. But, as we all know, the pancreas of someone with type - 1 diabetes doesn’t produce enough or no insulin. So, they have to take injectable insulin for the rest of their lives because we could not cure this. These insulin-producing cells are also called beta cells, and researchers claim that they have found a way to use stem cells to create new beta cells. These new cells could later replace the dead and useless pancreas cells. As discoveries are coming out, the motivation of industry leaders like Dr. David Greene R3 Stem Cell is pumping up. 

They did this experiment on mice with type - 1 diabetes, and after the therapy, they found that its condition got in control within two weeks, which is quite impressive. They did the test with human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and derived from the adult skin cells. 

The most exciting thing about these stem cells is their ability to become any cell in the entire human body. After successfully mimicking the pancreatic beta cells with hPSCs, they found another solution for an existing problem. 

You all should know that producing these beta cells with hPSCs has been done before with various methods, but only 10-40% became the beta cells which was not enough. With this new method, about 80% can convert into beta cells and be used to treat patients with type-1 diabetes.

They got to know that the beta cells derived from the hPSCs are fully active and functional. Moreover, when tested on mice, it healed within two weeks. It’s a massive accomplishment to date, and Dr. David Greene Arizona appreciates the researchers in this experiment.

Scientists are trying to make this method of creating beta cells more reliable, safe, and fast. Though the tests in humans could be more challenging than the mice due to complexability, that day is way closer than we think. All the researches are done in the lab with different environments and chemical combinations. 

All scientists are so concerned about this new method because it is the most accurate method we have ever encountered, and two, it’s about the human body. So no one wants to compromise when it comes to human health. But, unfortunately, this method is still under research, and we aren’t ready for the test on the human body. But with leaders like Dr. David Greene Arizona and his revolutionary organization, we could get the best. 

The world will have to wait for more years for this method as we are not aware of its side effects. But, who knows, these customized beta cells won’t only cure diabetes but also treat many diseases we don’t know to date. 


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