The pandemic situation has been striking down everyone for the last two years financially, mentally, and physically too. From upper class to lower class, it’s been too arduous for everyone to go through all those bad times, and it’s not over yet.
Even Dr. David Greene Arizona, the founder, and CEO of R3 Stem Cell, has said – “I think we all had those moments where we just get overtaken by all of it.” After over 18M active cases worldwide, scientists found some ways to fight this vicious monster.
The invention of the Corona Virus vaccine was revolutionary, and it saved millions of lives. But like other medical c, this too had some limitations. The vaccine didn’t end the symptoms. To fight with this, the global organization of Dr. David Greene Arizona, R3 Stem Cell, found a way to fight with Novel Corona Virus more effectively; their Stem Cell Therapy. Recently, When the whole world was struggling with this pandemic, an experiment got in action where they used Stem Cell Therapy on the drastically ill COVID patients, and the results gave dawn of hope to everyone.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs): The Life Saver for everyone
Among four major types of stem cells, MSCs were chosen as curators of COVID due to the reasons which are being mentioned below,
1. They have high proliferative potential.
2. They have Multilineage differentiation capacity.
3. Studies have also shown that these types of cells increase the power of immune cells.
Imp: - MSCs were also used previously to treat some highly dangerous viruses like Hepatitis B and Influenza.
As they get adequate results by using MSCs, these cells can be used to cure critically ill COVID patients, specifically the older ones, due to the weakest immunity.
What are the difficulties?
According to the recent statements of the International Society of Stem Cells research, - “Although stem cells are promising candidates for various diseases and disorders, currently there is no stem cell-based approved approach for prevention or treatment of COVID-19 infection.” i.e., they find it very risky as it might harm more than it could help. FDA didn’t approve Stem Cells for most of the diseases and physical and mental disorders. Even they have said that they only granted the use of it under their supervision and could be abolished at any time if it is found not that good or harmful for the patient.
Suppose the test results of these Stem Cells on a group of patients are promising and exciting. But the issue is that it was done on a very small group of people, and they were treated in addition to traditional therapy. So, it would be hard to tell that the improvements are due to Stem Cells or the other method.
We have to accept that COVID – 19 is a very new virus, and we are learning something new about it every day. It won’t be possible to cure must the virus by observing its current state and symptoms. Due to the limited data about the consequences and the side effects of using it,
Why Use of Stem Cells could be the bounce back for everyone
Despite having such disappointing statements from the higher authorities in the business, there is still an enormous chance that the use of such Stem Cells like MSCs could be one of the best ways to end the havoc of this storm of COVID – 19.
Even the man himself, Dr. David Greene Arizona, believes that Stem Cells Surgery for COVID could be promising and have a massive scope in the future after the proper evaluation of every aspect of the set of consequences that might take place in the future.
As the study says, there were many symptoms of COVID in a group of people. Some of them had mild symptoms like fever, cold, weakness, dizziness, etc. Still, some of them were highly affected by that as there was some inflammatory levels fluctuation. It was one of the main reasons for death because it destroys the structure and mechanism of the respiratory system. After all these, MSCs have an immunomodulatory property that lowers inflammation in the respiratory system. MSCs also repair the damaged cells of the immune and respiratory systems without overactivation of the immune system, which is the best point about the uses of MSCs.
There might be some conflictions over the use of these Stem cells, but if we see the overall results, the vast cure must be tiny hazardous, the scope of this method in the future, and we cannot neglect that fact. The whole world is working with 2x speed to make everything like before. Even if the use of MSCs is debatable, its result shows the data we all want: faster recovery and higher recovery rate among all. It could reduce the burden from the shoulder of the whole medical system as it increases the recovery rate of patients. Some discussions are left for further considerations, and when those are done, we all will be witnessing a new era of revolutionized medical systems.
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