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Umbilical Cord Tissue Stem Cell Therapy at R3 International | Dr. David Greene Arizona

The umbilical cord tissue is a rich source of stem cells that can help the treatment of many autoimmune diseases that would otherwise have required surgery or remained untreatable. Every year, millions of babies are born worldwide, and their umbilical cords amount to medical waste, added Dr. David Greene Arizona. This regenerative therapy is curbing this wasteful practice and making the best out of the stem cell-rich tissues.

The many advantages of umbilical cord tissue cell therapy set it apart from some other types of preventative procedures. This article details everything you need to know about umbilical cord tissue cell therapy and how it can be of use to you or a loved one.

What Are Umbilical Cords? : The umbilical cord is what connects a fetus to the placenta. It connects to the fetus from the abdomen and transports oxygenated nutrient-rich blood to keep the unborn baby alive and healthy. It also carries blood that has little nutrients and oxygen back to the placenta, added Dr. David Greene. The umbilical cord develops when a pregnancy is about five weeks old. By the time the pregnancy is full-term, the cord would be around 20 inches long.

What Stem Cells Do Umbilical Cords Contain?: The umbilical cord contains a combination of muscle cells on the outer part and a rich source of Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSC) on the inside. The lining of the umbilical cord also contains Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Both UC-MSC and HSCs are potent regenerative materials that can develop tissues, muscles, and cells. These cells are abundant in the umbilical cord and can help treat many health conditions and injuries.

How Do You Harvest Stem Cells from Umbilical Cord?: The procedure is painless, safe, and easy at R3 Stem Cell international. The umbilical and the placenta have blood vessels that contain abundant sources of stem cells. After birth, doctors harvest the stem cells from the organs and store them. These stem cells are later used for regenerative therapies to treat many autoimmune conditions and help patients live longer and better lives.

Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Therapy at R3 Centers: R3’s Centers of regenerative medicine have used umbilical cord-derived stem cells numerous times with no report of substantial negative effects to date. The stem cells are processed with Wharton’s Jelly and amniotic fluid to retain the cells’ natural environment. The whole process takes place in a sterile environment that has the approval of the Food and Drug Administration in the United States. 

Chances Of Infection with Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Therapy at R3 Centers: Stem cells are harvested from umbilical cords taken from healthy, consenting mothers, added Dr. David Greene R3 Stem Cell CEO. Every mother that consents to take part in the procedure has to pass through a thorough screening process to ensure that the procedure remains as risk-free as possible. In addition, our team of experts will carry out extensive tests to determine the umbilical cord-derived stem cells that are a suitable match for you. If you are in Phoenix, we strongly recommend the Phoenix stem cell treatment center for all your regenerative therapy needs.


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