Rheumatoid arthritis is a very common condition that affects many people throughout the United States. In fact, almost 23% of the population has been told at some point that they suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. It is a very painful condition that is considered a leading cause of work disability among adults in the United States, added Dr. David Greene Arizona. In addition, many people with rheumatoid arthritis find themselves limiting their social activities due to pain and experiencing a diminished quality of life. Fortunately, there are ways to manage rheumatoid arthritis and help improve a patient’s quality of life.
Rheumatoid arthritis is considered an autoimmune disease. This is because it occurs when the body’s immune system attacks healthy joint linings. It tends to affect both sides of the body, not just one. And, in addition to affecting the body’s joints, other parts of the body may be affected as well such as the lungs, heart, skin, eyes, blood, and nerves. Many people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis will notice their joints become swollen, red, hot, and painful.
Certain indicators exist that might tip you off that you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. This can include stiffness that is worst in the morning, fatigue, and joint pain, and swelling said Dr. David Greene R3 Stem Cell CEO. In some people, the symptoms are sudden onset while in others they happen gradually over time. One of the aspects of the condition that makes it hard to treat is the lack of knowledge of why it occurs.
Some people have it while others do not, and there is not a single common link between all those who are affected. There are some theories as to why it occurs such as bacteria triggering the immune system or smoking may be a trigger. It is also thought that genetics may play a role in developing the disease as well.
Joints are adversely affected by rheumatoid arthritis because immune cells move from the blood into the synovium. As this part of your joints stays swollen over a long period of time, it wears away at the cartilage in your joints, added David Greene Orthopedic. This leads to pain down the road. Fortunately, stem cell therapy has been helpful in managing rheumatoid arthritis.
It can help diminish pain from the condition by addressing the underlying condition and repairing and regenerating damaged cartilage tissue in the joint. By addressing the underlying condition, stem cell therapy can help to create a solution, not just a band-aid for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a very painful autoimmune disorder. Some people notice a gradual onset of pain while others experience a sudden onset of severe discomfort. The cause of the condition is unknown so it is impossible to prevent it. In addition, no known cure currently exists. However, advances in stem cell therapy have made it so that patients can finally address the worn away cartilage and not simply use band-aid treatments.
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