There was a time when individuals were experiencing joint pain after the age of 60, but now it's common even in young at the age of 30, said Dr. David Greene Arizona Orthopedic. Have you tried to figure out why this is happening even at the age of 30? What are the reasons?
Earlier, individuals were doing most of their stuff on their own; that time there were no machines to do work and individuals were walking to offices instead of cars. Technology has given enough to us, but yes it took a healthy life from us. Even, kids are suffering from problems such as high blood pressure, Sugar and maybe even joint pain or other diseases.
Motors Bike or cars, saves a lot of time, we agree, but these are also making unhealthy. Almost 7 out of 10 people are fat in the U.S. which later cause more severe diseases such as heart attack, and other problems said Dr. David Greene Arizona.
We all spent almost 60% of your day on the Mobile phone but according to research, "Use of Mobile phone can lead to ear, eye and brain cancer and also some other disorders life heart ailments."
Using Technology is not bad, but you also need to look after your health. Do not just spend your free time on your Mobile, do some physical stuff, take a walk, join a gym, eat healthily, avoid street food and avoid Alcohol, said David Greene Orthopedic. Such small changes in your lifestyle will completely change your life and will bring you back to a healthy life. If your office is not far, use cycle instead of Car or bike. Consider using Public Transportation instead of own vehicle.
There are several simple things you should start doing. Inventions are to improve our lives, not to make it worse. Take a step towards your health and get back into the '50s and live a long and healthy life.
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