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Showing posts from April, 2019

Dr. David Greene Arizona Orthopedic Describes Ear Infection in Adults

Kids are prone to an ear infection, but adults experience it too, mostly the swimmers, said Dr. David Greene Arizona. When water gets in the ear, causes bacterial growth that blocks ear and results in infection. Ear infections can affect the inner, middle, and outer ear, and can be caused by inflammation, bacteria or viruses as well.  Significant symptoms of ear infection are a pain in the ear, drainage: muffled hearing and a feeling of fullness in the ear. There are only 20% of the possibilities of ear infection in adults as compare to children.  To prevent ear infection, make sure you clean your ears properly after a shower or swimming, said David Greene Orthopedic . Do not smoke, especially avoid second-hand smoke or consider avoiding individuals with upper respiratory problems, and make sure allergies are managed appropriately. Most of the times, there are chances of an ear infection is bacterial, and antibiotics are the best use to treat the disease. Do not ...

Dr. David Greene Arizona Tells the Difference Between Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty

Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty and Septoplasty are two different types of Nose Plastic surgery which both are done for different purposes, said Dr. David Greene Arizona . Only a few individuals are aware of the purposes these surgeries are being used, but most consider them the same. This post will clarify the circumstances under what these surgeries are being performed and what results they deliver.  Rhinoplasty: It is a type of plastic surgery being used to resize or reshape the nose. As per Dr. David Greene Arizona , Rhinoplasty changes the framework of your nose and make it more suitable to your face. This is a cosmetic surgery, which is done for your pleasure to enhance the look of your face. Rhinoplasty is a medical requirement, and it is a surgery done for patients happiness to look beautiful.  Septoplasty: It is also known as Deviated Septum,  is a corrective surgical procedure done to straighten the nasal septum, which is the partition between the two na...

Dr. David Greene Arizona Orthopedic | Drawbacks of Technology to Our Health

There was a time when individuals were experiencing joint pain after the age of 60, but now it's common even in young at the age of 30, said Dr. David Greene Arizona Orthopedic. Have you tried to figure out why this is happening even at the age of 30? What are the reasons? Earlier, individuals were doing most of their stuff on their own; that time there were no machines to do work and individuals were walking to offices instead of cars. Technology has given enough to us, but yes it took a healthy life from us. Even, kids are suffering from problems such as high blood pressure, Sugar and maybe even joint pain or other diseases.  Motors Bike or cars, saves a lot of time, we agree, but these are also making unhealthy. Almost 7 out of 10 people are fat in the U.S. which later cause more severe diseases such as heart attack, and other problems said Dr. David Greene Arizona .  We all spent almost 60% of your day on the Mobile phone but according to research, "Use of Mo...

Tips for Preventing Infection After Orthopedic Surgery by Dr. David Greene Arizona

During any Surgical procedures, taking steps to avoid infection is important for patient's health and for a successful surgery. If you soon going through a surgery, then these tips from Dr. David Greene Arizona are going to help you out with preventing infection.  Before your Surgery, speak with your orthopedic and discuss you are any health problems which could affect your surgery, like if you have diabetes or allergies. If you are a smoker, ask for advice to quit smoking because individuals who smoke, have more chances of infection. Also, avoid shaving the surgical area as even razor can irritate your skin, said Dr. David Greene Arizona . Take a bath with antibacterial soap before your surgery.  After Your medical procedure, don't allow your family or friends to contact the careful part to stay away from any sort of infection or even request that they sterilize their hands with a liquor based hand rub or cleanser when they stop by. Before you leave the medicina...

Why do ENTs recommend Eartubes for Kids? | Dr. David Greene Arizona

Several reasons for pains in the ear don't bring your kids to an ENT, but there are some times when you don't have an alternate rather than approaching an ENT. Well, Ear Infections are common in both adults and children, but more cases are found in kids because of their smaller Eustachian Tubes that easily get blocked.  Just keep in mind, an ear infection is not the only reason that causes pain in the ear as it could be a bug in the ear and water in the ear. Water could also cause infection but it takes time and if you have immediate pain right after swimming, then its definitely water and if it stays longer inside, will cause bacteria growth that will result in an ear infection.  If your kid has an ear infection for more than 48 years, then its time to approach an ENT specialist such as Dr. David Greene Arizona and proceed with treatment as prescribed. If your kid experience ear infection several times a year then antibiotics or other medical treatment will be temp...

When It's Time to See an Orthopedic? | Dr. David Greene Arizona

With over 300 bones and joints, everyone will pain in joints and individuals who do more physical activities, have more chances to have the discomfort and pain in joints. The health of bones start weakening after the age of 30 and pains are normal. But every pain doesn't take you to an orthopedic, but today we are sharing a few signs when you should visit a specialist.  The difficulty for Performing Daily Activities: Well, Joint pain or discomfort can be worked sometimes through exercises and stretches but when it doesn't work, and you are having a problem in performing daily activities, do not wait anymore and starting finding an orthopedic such as Dr. David Greene Arizona . The average daily activities will include climbing stairs and walking your dog.  Chronic Pain: If you are suffering from pain for weeks or months then its the time you need to find a specialist. A pain is lasting longer than 12 weeks, would be addressed as Chronic pain. A pain for weeks and mon...