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General Information About Ear Tubes From Dr. David Greene Arizona

Ear infection is common in both adults and children but due to smaller Eustachian tubes, kids have more chances of an ear infection because of the smaller size, tubes get blocked easily. Infection can be caused by bacterias and a virus. 

Antibiotics are the perfect use for bacterial infection and it does clear infection in few days and individual will have relief within few hours of use. But for viral infection, antibiotics won't work and physician will propose other ways to cure the infection. 

We have seen cases, where infection keeps coming back after stopping the antibiotics and in such cases, an ENT specialist such as Dr. David Greene Arizona, suggests about ear tubes. 

Eartube is a device as small as a grain of rice, which creates ventilation in the ear and will clear up the infection. ENTs insert ear tubes with a small surgery into the eardrum. Individuals might have a skeptic when the word surgery becomes but eartubes are completely safe.

As per words from David Greene Orthopedic, ear tubes are safer than antibiotics and it always works. Eartubes fall out on their own in 6 months to one year period and if they don't, ENT will remove with surgery again. 

Eartube will be directly inserted into eardrum and it will create a way for fluid to go out and will clear up the infection. It is the safest and most effective device in the date for ear infection treatment. 

Do not just keep taking antibiotics if your infection keeps coming back as antibiotics have side-effects along with the benefits as overuse could kill good bacterias along with the bad and later it can cause problems like diarrhea. 

Proceed with ear tube surgery as it is safe and very effective but choose a professional ENT specialist who has a successful record with ear tubes surgery. 


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