Cold and sore/strep throat is the most common infection that 70% of us experience once or more in a year, said Dr. David Greene Arizona. They are common as weather changes can cause too or can also happen with dust allergies. Ear infection is also a serious problem but that is common in children as it hardly occurs in adults and also it not common such as cold and sore throat.
How to Diagnose and treat?:
If you have a runny nose and fever or you are sneezing, you have cold and it's time to run to an ENT specialist such as David Greene Orthopedic. Don't underestimate it and consider it normal as it can cause sinusitis and also an untreated infection will spread to other parts of the head.
A sore throat is a viral infection and it's normal also but consider treating it ASAP. You can treat it at home as gargling salt warm water is the best thing to treat and respond very well. It will heal your pain, itchiness and make it easy to swallow food. Don't leave it untreated as it can turn into strep throat and will be more painful and severe enough to make you enough ill.
Strep throat infection spread person to person so avoid being in public places and consider a visit to an ENT specialist such as Dr. David Greene Arizona and get a proper treatment for infections.
Ear infections are too serious and are bacterial infection, can be treated with antibiotics. Consider the advice of a specialist such as David Greene MD before any kind of medication.
Ear infections are mostly treated with Antibiotics but sometimes in chronic condition, ears required ear tubes which creates ventilation inside the ears and clear up the infection.
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