A leading ENT specialist across Arizona, Dr. David Greene MD, an Orthopedic helping patients with their Ear, Nose and Throat problems. Strep throat is one of the common infection in kids and adults as well which begins from a sore throat and if its left untreated, it gets worst and turns into strep throat.
According to David Greene Orthopedic sore throat is a viral infection and it can be treated with home remedies such as Garlic oil and Gargling warm water is most effective and simple.
Don't need any medication if your sore throat is just beginning as you can take half glass warm water and add 1 or 2 teaspoons of salt and do gargling about 2-3 times a day and definitely you will feel better just after one day and if you are doing this around half or one hour before your meal, you can easily swallow without pain.
Viral infection turns into bacterial infection(strep throat) and the best treatment is antibiotics which definitely works. Antibiotics will make you feel much better within 24 hours and the sufferer can go to school or work next day.
Dr. David Greene Arizona advice, In case of severe strep infection, avoid public places as it spread person to person and can infect others. The person who will breathe the same air will also be infected so avoid schools, hospitals, and workplaces. Sit at home and treat it first.
In case, if you don't have any benefits from antibiotics, consider a visit to an ENT expert such as David Greene MD and get a proper treatment to your infection first as an untreated strep infection can spread to other parts of head and it also affect body's immune. Don't underestimate it and get proper treatment ASAP.
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