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Ear Tubes Complications - David Greene MD

Ear infections are one of the most common reasons to take children to physicians as almost 75% of children experience ear infections, said Dr. David Greene MD. ENT specialists place ear tubes to save children from severe pain, hearing loss and antibiotics. Ear tubes are the safest treatment for middle ear infections especially when fluid build behind the eardrums.
 Common effects occur when ear tubes are placed but that are no complications. Leakage from the ear tube is not ear tube complication. Also, the need for another ear tube after the one fell-out successfully is not an ear tube complication.

Ear tubes complications arise when an ear tube stays inside the ear for an extended period of time and ENT specialists such as Dr DavidGreene, inform parents that ear tubes should fall out and if they don't come out for 2 years, then the removal is required as a long stay of ear tubes increase the risk of complications.

As per Doctor David Greene Advice, It's always a good decision to take your kid to doctor for regular check up till the ear tubes are inside. Below are the undesirable common ear tube complications:

1.  Ear Tube Blockage
2.  Ear Tubes Remain in Eardrum Too Long
3.  Infection and irritation around the ear tube
4.  Hole in Ear Drum
5.  Ear tube fell into middle ear out of eardrum
6.  Eardrum Scarring

A regular visit to doctor for inspection if everything is fine would be beneficial to secure your children from such complications. ENT specialist David Greene MD, personally follow his for at least 6-12 months or till the ear tubes successfully fell out so they don't suffer from such complications. Ear tubes are not recommended for all ear infections as infections which don't build up fluid behind the eardrum, can be treated with antibiotics only.


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